catfish principle

Goodbye Coldwater Creek

What happened to Coldwater Creek? According to the company web site, "On April 11, 2014, Coldwater Creek filed for bankruptcy in order to facilitate an orderly wind-down of our operations." The move was required because "the Company and its advisors were unable to find a potential buyer for the Company or a source of capital to provide adequate liquidity to fund the Company's ongoing strategic turnaround initiatives."

What happened to the company? In this video blog, Martin Ramsay considers some of the possible reasons for Coldwater Creek's untimely demise. A clue came from a 70 year old clerk who has worked for Coldwater Creek for ten years. Watch this blog to learn what she said. Then judge for yourself whether or not she is on to something ... and what it might mean for your organization.

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Be sure and check out Martin's previous blog entries.

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Unintended Consequences

"Be careful what you measure, because you may actually get it." In this video blog, Martin Ramsay counters conventional wisdom that says you should measure what you hope to accomplish.

There is truth in the idea of measuring what you expect to achieve, that you should "inspect what you expect." But sometimes the result has unintended consequence. Using a very real example from a CEATH Company manufacturing client, Martin suggests that measurements that are not extremely well thought out do not always achieve the desired goal and instead, drive organizational behavior toward something than is unintended, even counterproductive.

Be sure to use the cloud of tags to the right to find other related videos. For example, The Catfish Principle discusses being clear about your organization's purpose and Is Your Mission Your North Star? points out the role of an organization's mission in achieving its goals.

Be sure and check out Martin's previous blog entries.

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Is Your Mission Your North Star?

In this video blog, Martin Ramsay asks a fundamental question: is your mission your north star? In other words, does your mission statement guide your organization in times of crisis, or when an important strategic decision needs to be made?

If the answer is, "Not really," or even, "I'm not sure," then maybe it is time to take a hard look at your mission statement. If your mission statement doesn't guide you through the rough waters of organizational change, then perhaps it isn't providing a mission for you at all.

If your organization's culture is not to use your mission statement to guide you in making the tough calls, then either you need a new mission statement, or you need to get back to what really matters for your organization. You need to find your organization's "Catfish Principle."

Be sure and check out earlier blog entries from the list on the right.

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The Catfish Principle

The "catfish principle" is being very clear about your organization's purpose.

In earlier blogs, Martin Ramsay has discussed the importance of knowing where you're going, of having a vision for the future, of being clear about your organizational mission. While traveling on business in central Florida, Martin and his wife, the fabulous redhead, stumbled across a locally owned restaurant that demonstrates this concept clearly. The Catfish Place in Kissimmee, Florida is very clear about its purpose, and states that purpose right on its menu.

Watch this video blog to see the "catfish principle" in action.

Be sure and check out earlier blog entries from the list on the right.

Sponsored by CEATH Company.