Principles of Information Technology 5 of 5

Has your organization ever experienced the agony of a software implementation -- after the previous one didn't go so well? Do you ever feel like your company is in a vicious circle of software implementation after software implementation?

The fifth principle of Business Information Technology Deployment deals directly with this issue. In this video blog, Martin Ramsay discusses how information systems must be constructed in such a way that they can grow and change, just as our organizations grow and change. Easier said than done, but an important facet of building technology that will not automatically become obsolete.

Be sure and check out Martin's previous blog entries. And be sure and sign up to receive notifications when a new video is released. Fill out the Sign Me Up! box and you'll never miss another video.

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The Factory on a Desk-Top™

Have you ever wished you had a good way to help people understand the complexities of how system work together and how they drive human behavior? Have you ever wished for a way to talk about process improvement in a tangible way? Look no further than this week's video about CEATH Company's Factory on a Desk-Top™, a simulated factory in which everyone has a role and the results can be measured.

The Factory on a Desk-Top™ is loads of fun as people work with Lego® bricks, Monopoly® money and poker chips to figure out how to improve processes.

As you watch this video, think about process in your organization and how you can dissect them for improvement.

Be sure and check out earlier blog entries from the list on the right.

Sponsored by CEATH Company.